How to Incorporate the Lotus Symbol into Your Feng Shui

Feng shui is a practice that helps us create more harmony with nature and its cycles in our living spaces. One way to do this is to use symbols from nature that have special meanings and energies. The lotus is one such symbol that can bring peace, harmony, and compassion into your home.

The lotus is a stunning plant that grows in ponds and lakes, and it has a rich symbolism across many cultures. It has a large flower with petals that can be white, pink, or red. In China, the lotus plant is used for various purposes: the flower is decorative, while other parts of the plant have nutritional and medicinal value.

However, you don’t need to have a live lotus plant in your home to work with its symbolism. You can use an image of a lotus with intention to enhance your home’s feng shui. Here are some of the feng shui meanings of lotus.

Purity and Perfection

The lotus is a symbol of enlightenment in Buddhism because it can grow and produce a perfect flower even in the muddy water. It is one of the eight auspicious Buddhist treasures, and many buddhas and bodhisattvas are shown sitting on a lotus. The lotus represents the ability to rise above the impurities of the world and attain spiritual perfection.

Marriage and Fertility

The Chinese name for lotus sounds like a combination of the words meaning connection and peace, so it has come to represent a peaceful union. In art and decorative items, lotus buds are often symbols of fertility and offspring. Lotus seed pods also symbolize fertility.


The lotus is also associated with abundance and the fruitfulness of summer. This plant has many gifts to offer us. Throughout the summer, it both blooms and bears seeds at the same time, and all parts of the plant are used for food, decoration, or curative purposes.

Compassion and Peace

Quan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion, is often depicted holding or sitting on a lotus. The connection between Quan Yin and the lotus has made this flower a symbol of compassion. The compassion mantra of Quan Yin, “Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum,” means “jewel in the lotus.”

How to Use the Lotus Symbol in Your Home

If you have a pond in your yard and are in the appropriate climate, having a lotus pond is very auspicious. Since this option isn’t available to most of us, you can also bring the image of a lotus into specific parts of your home.

In the Bedroom

You can add the image of a lotus flower or flowers in your bedroom to bring more peace and harmony into your life.

n the Living Room

You can place a lotus image in your living room to invite abundance and prosperity into your home. You can also use a lotus image to activate the wealth area of your home, which is the southeast corner according to the bagua map.

In the Meditation Space

You can use a lotus image in your meditation space to enhance your spiritual practice and connect with your inner wisdom. You can also use a lotus image to activate the wisdom area of your home, which is the northeast corner according to the bagua map.

In the Bathroom

You can use a lotus image in your bathroom to purify and cleanse the energy of this space. You can also use a lotus image to activate the health area of your home, which is the center of your home according to the bagua map.

The lotus is a powerful symbol that can bring many benefits to your home and life. By using it with intention and respect, you can create more harmony, peace, and abundance in your living space.

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