How to Cleanse Your Home with Smoke and Invite Positive Energy

How to Cleanse Your Home with Smoke and Invite Positive Energy

If you want to clear your home of negative vibes and create a harmonious space, you can try smudging, a ritual that uses smoke from burning sacred plants and herbs. Smudging is a practice that has been used for centuries by many cultures and spiritual traditions, especially by Native Americans. It can help you purify your home, bless your space, and connect with the divine. Here’s how to do it.

What You Need

Before you start smudging, you need to prepare some materials and set your intention. You will need:

  • A smudge stick or bundle: This is a bundle of dried herbs that you will burn to create smoke. The most common herb for smudging is sage, which is believed to have cleansing and healing properties. You can also use other herbs, such as cedar, lavender, or rosemary, depending on your preference and purpose.
  • A candle and matches: You will use the candle to light the smudge stick and keep it burning throughout the ritual.
  • A fireproof container: You will need something to hold the smudge stick and catch any ashes or embers that may fall. A clay bowl or an abalone shell are good options.
  • An open door or window: You will need to let the smoke escape from your home and take away any negative energy from it.

How to Smudge

Once you have everything ready, you can begin the smudging process. Follow these steps:

  1. Light the candle and use it to ignite one end of the smudge stick. Let it burn for a few seconds, then blow out the flame. You should see a steady stream of smoke coming from the smudge stick.
  2. Start from the front door of your home and move in a counter-clockwise direction through each room. You can use your hand or a feather to waft the smoke around the space, paying attention to the corners, windows, and doors. As you do this, say a prayer or affirmation that suits your intention. For example, you can say “I cleanse this space of any negativity and fill it with love and light.”
  3. When you finish smudging each room, return to the front door and gently extinguish the smudge stick in the fireproof container. You can save it for future use or dispose of it respectfully.
  4. Enjoy your newly cleansed and positive home!

Tips and Warnings

  • Smudging is best done when your home is clean and tidy, so make sure to declutter and dust before you start.
  • Be careful when handling fire and smoke. Keep children and pets away from the smudge stick and the fireproof container. Avoid burning yourself or anything else in your home.
  • If you are sensitive to smoke or have respiratory issues, you may want to use a smudging spray instead of a smudge stick. This is a liquid that contains essential oils or extracts of sacred plants and herbs that you can spray around your home.
  • Respect the plants and herbs that you use for smudging. Thank them for their service and honor their origins and traditions.

Why Smudge?

You may wonder why you should smudge your home and what benefits it can bring you. Here are some reasons to consider smudging as part of your self-care routine:

  • Smudging can increase your sense of well-being and improve your mental focus. According to a study, smudging can reduce the effects of excess positive ions in the air, which can cause stress, anxiety, and depression. Smudging can also enhance your intuition and spiritual awareness.
  • Smudging can clear negative energy and create a positive environment. Whether you want to get rid of bad vibes from a previous occupant, a negative event, or a toxic person, smudging can help you cleanse your space and invite positive energy. Smudging can also help you release negative emotions and thoughts, and promote healing and transformation.
  • Smudging can purify the air and improve your health. Some herbs used for smudging, such as sage and cedar, have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can help eliminate bacteria, viruses, fungi, and allergens from the air. This can benefit your respiratory system, immune system, and overall well-being.
  • Smudging can relax your body and mind. The aroma of smudging herbs can have a soothing effect on your nervous system, helping you lower your blood pressure, relieve stress and tension, and normalize your breathing rate. Smudging can also improve your mood and energy levels, as well as your sleep quality.
  • Smudging can cleanse or charge objects. You can use smudging to remove any unwanted energy from objects like tools, furniture, jewelry, or crystals. You can also use smudging to infuse objects with your intention or purpose, such as protection, abundance, or love.

How to Choose the Right Smudging Herbs

There are many different herbs that you can use for smudging, each with its own properties and benefits. Here are some of the most popular ones and how to use them:

  • Sage: Sage is the most common herb for smudging, as it has a strong and cleansing aroma that can clear away negative energy and purify the space. There are different varieties of sage, such as white sage, blue sage, and garden sage, that you can choose from depending on your preference and intention. Sage is also good for healing, protection, and wisdom.
  • Cedar: Cedar is another powerful herb for smudging, especially if you want to attract positive energy and blessings into your home. Cedar has a sweet and woody scent that can create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Cedar is also good for grounding, balance, and strength.
  • Lavender: Lavender is a gentle and soothing herb for smudging, especially if you want to promote peace and harmony in your home. Lavender has a floral and calming scent that can help you relax and unwind. Lavender is also good for love, happiness, and sleep.
  • Rosemary: Rosemary is a stimulating and refreshing herb for smudging, especially if you want to boost your mental clarity and memory. Rosemary has a herbal and minty scent that can help you focus and energize. Rosemary is also good for protection, luck, and prosperity.
  • Palo Santo: Palo Santo is a sacred wood from South America that is used for smudging. Palo Santo has a sweet and citrusy scent that can uplift your mood and spirit. Palo Santo is also good for healing, cleansing, and creativity.

You can use these herbs alone or in combination with each other, depending on your purpose and intention. You can also add other ingredients to your smudge stick or bundle, such as flowers, crystals, or feathers, to enhance its effects and beauty.

How to Make Your Own Smudge Stick or Bundle

If you want to make your own smudge stick or bundle, you will need:

  • Fresh or dried herbs of your choice
  • Cotton string or twine
  • Scissors

Follow these steps:

  1. Gather your herbs and cut them into equal lengths of about 8 to 10 inches. You can use one type of herb or mix different ones together.
  2. Arrange your herbs into a bundle that is about 1 to 2 inches thick at the base. Make sure the stems are aligned at one end.
  3. Tie one end of the string or twine around the base of the bundle and make a knot. Leave some extra string or twine hanging for later use.
  4. Wrap the string or twine tightly around the bundle in a spiral pattern, moving from the base to the tip. Make sure to cover all the loose leaves and secure them in place.
  5. When you reach the tip of the bundle, wrap the string or twine around it a few times and then move back down to the base in a crisscross pattern.
  6. Tie the end of the string or twine to the extra piece that you left hanging at the base and make a knot. Cut off any excess string or twine.
  7. Your smudge stick or bundle is ready to use! If you used fresh herbs, let them dry completely before burning them.


Smudging is a simple yet powerful way to cleanse your home and yourself of negative energy and invite positive energy into your life. By choosing the right herbs for your purpose and intention, you can create a sacred space that supports your well-being and happiness. Smudging can also help you connect with your spirituality and nature, as well as with your ancestors and traditions. Try smudging today and see how it can transform your home and yourself!

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